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RETI | Réseau d'Excellence des Territoires Insulaires

7th Governance Committee - Corsica 2016

7th Governance Committee - Agenda

Governance Committee on the 22nd – University of Corsica, Corti, Campus Desanti

1/ Opening with the new president, presenting his roadmap.
2/ Balance of activities : works and financial matters
3/ Proposal for statutes revision
4/ Approval of the 2016_2018 OP. (step that might come later if we are to make a visioconference with Prof. Baldacchino)
5/ Examining membership applications (MUN, Canada)
6/ Discussing the participation of members to RETI activities
7/ General discussion and planning on further RETI actions and developments
8/ Various questions.

7th Governance Committee - Corsica 2016

September 23 rd, Stellamare Project, Biguglia.

Step by step visit of our Marine Biology facility where the Stellamare project is located. 

Lunch break. 

General discussions about potential research partnerships concerning sea resources sustainable management.  

| Mise à jour le 23/02/2017

Lundi 19 septembre 2016