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Island Journal Studies (ISJ)


In June 2013 "Island Journal Studies (ISJ)" became the official journal of the RETI.

In this section will be cross-referenced all the contributions generated from the network.



ages 131-208: Thematic Section II:

Papers from the Excellence Network of Island Territories (RETI) meetings in Orkney, June 2015.

(Guest Editor: James E. Randall )

Pages 131-132: Editorial introduction to thematic section: Papers from the Excellence Network of Island Territories (RETI)

meetings, Orkney, June 2015 – James E. Randall [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 133-144: A man and his island: the island mirror in island fiction – Laurie Brinklow

[ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 145-160: Islands erased by snow and ice: approaching the spatial philosophy of cold-water island fictions

Johannes Riquet [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 161-176: Evaluating the impact of agritourism on local development in small islands

Sofia Karampela, Thanasis Kizos and Ioannis Spilanis [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 177-192: Migration, education and employment decisions of islanders: understanding the role of sociocultural

factors in shaping individual decisions and economic outcomes in Orkney and Shetland

Rosie Alexander [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 193-208: Good work? Scottish cultural workers’ narratives about working and living on islands

Lynda Harling Stalker and Kathryn A. Burnett [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]


Page mise à jour le 03/11/2022 par CHRISTOPHE PAOLI