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RETI | Réseau d'Excellence des Territoires Insulaires
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Upcoming events

From the 23rd to the 28th November 2018, the Memorial University of Newfoundland will host the 8th Governance Committee meeting and thus the next symposium and RETI summer school.

Theme : "Future Perspectives for Island Society: Sustainable and Self-Management".



Symposium: 23rd-27th November .

Governance Committee: 25th November. Two sessions : Rectors and RETI students.

Autumn School: 25th and 27th November .


Opening of the registration: 28th May 2018
Deadline for the abstracts: 15th September 2018.
Closing of the registration (1st session): 14sth September 2018.
Page mise à jour le 31/07/2018 par PIERRE-ANTOINE TOMASI