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RETI | Réseau d'Excellence des Territoires Insulaires
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RETI membership

The RETI has a gradual approach to the integration of new member institutions.


Membership in RETI is open to any bona fide institution of higher education that plays a significant role in the development of the island it serves, whether via its provision of teaching, training and learning, research initiatives and/or its outreach and public engagement.


According to the framework-agreement of RETI, the official integration of new members to the network will take place during the annual meeting of the Governance Committee. 


The conditions to join the RETI are as follow:

- Be a university on an island;

- Present a project on the key themes of the RETI by specifying what means will be used for its development (human, financial and/or technical).

- This application for membership should be decided by qualified majority of votes cast (75%) by the Governance Committee.       


Applications are closed for the moment.


Page mise à jour le 03/11/2022 par CHRISTOPHE PAOLI